[a tiny blog for tiny thoughts]

Gravy deserves respect

by: peter
People don’t give gravy the respect it deserves, and they should. Gravy on a roasted bird fixes everything, or, if nothing needs to be fixed, it improves upon perfection. It’s difficult to make a good gravy: It has layers of complexity. The perfect thickness. Salted correctly. Don’t forget the black pepper.

12/12/2024, 16:22

New features coming

by: peter
I'll be rolling out a new version of tinyblog in the next couple days. There will be a handful of new accounts available, so other users will have their own pages and be able to post their tiny thoughts here. Just to say, things may be a little shaky for a bit, pardon our dust, etc.!

11/01/2024, 21:45

Moonlight turns the night bright

by: peter
There is a full moon right now and it shines right into my bedroom window. Big white rock reflecting sunlight onto my face in the small hours of the morning. It’s a good reminder that people can get around at night just fine without a flashlight. For at least half the month, anyway.

10/18/2024, 21:59

Motor scooters. Motor scooters everywhere

by: peter
On the one hand, I am glad that the people in Barcelona who want to get somewhere quickly and recklessly using the power of fossil fuel drive small motor scooters rather than 15-year-old sport utility vehicles. On the other hand, it's like having lawnmowers racing up down the street all day, which is to say: loud. It will be nice once the prices of the electric versions of these vehicles become competitive.

10/16/2024, 13:19

Seasons for everything

by: peter
A thing I love about Catalonia is the seasonality. Right now, we just finished stone fruit season and it is wild mushroom season, but it is also fig season, citrus season, and pear season. After that, it will be calçot and artichoke season, then asparagus season, then on through to stone fruit season again. Whatever is piled up outside the fruit shops with a great price on it? That's the season.

10/13/2024, 14:09